Friday, November 20, 2015

I'm Alone and It's Awesome

While on the train a few weeks ago, I noticed this lady holding and reading a book in her hands. Nothing much different from the ordinary except that, the title of the book immediately captured my attention. "How to Be Alone" by Sarah Maitland, thoughts in my head suddenly went bouncing back and forth like lotto balls. I was like, who would want to be alone? and more so, why write a book teaching people how to be alone? That's quite a terrible gift to give to someone or even to buy for yourself. Only people who wants priesthood or becoming monks for a vocation would want to have that.

The book was that compelling to me that I decided to have a copy and began reading it. The author's opening introduction right away touches the questions I had in mind the moment I saw that lady from the train. It presents the readers the author's gains and experiences about her taste of solitude from her own personal life accounts. Her issues with separations and living a life alone as a writer. 

Indulging oneself into a life of solitude is met with a lot of criticism and even viewed as a serious cultural problem in the present times, it raises questions about identity and well-being, the author continues. A person engaging in such form of activity is subject to be labeled as sad, mad, and bad. He spent a life of solitude because he is sad and therefore he is becoming mad for doing so. If he isn't sad, then most probably he is bad, a psychopath. The book primarily covers a short history to define and understand the path how our present society evolved oddly in discriminating people who would rather choose to live a life of solitude. From the Romans political civilization and the struggles of the early Christians to pursue a different set of values opposite to the Romans.

The critics of silence find the desire for it as madly, for reasons that it is unnatural for humans to live a lonely life, humans are designed to belong to a pack and to deviate to such is simply ill. It is pathological, man ideally needs the intimacy that can be found in a relationship. It is necessary to health and happiness. Being alone can be dangerous, if something happens to you even in a mild accident, there will be no one there to save you. The list continues from being antisocial, an escapist where a person runs away from the realities of life and living a life of fantasy, and to be selfish person whom only want to seek his own pleasures and feeding his ego.

Though I haven't fully finished reading the book, the question now is, did the author convinced me to be a follower of solitude or for that matter accepted the fact on how to be alone? In many instances, "FEAR" was emphasized by the author as the driving force why many would rather choose not to experience a life in solitude. Fear to be labeled by the social critics. Fear of being discriminated from what is considered normal by most of the civilized world. However, the author stresses that "KNOWLEDGE" is the best antidote to fear and to which I agree. We tend to fear what we don't really know and that becomes our anxiety leading to a more negative self realization that may further lead to our own destruction.

At some point, we needed to switch off our buttons and just be alone with ourselves. To temporarily escape from the chaos and to reprogram our minds into our inner peace so that when we come back into the world of realities, we are refreshed and ready to face the challenges one more time. Being in solitude as the author suggested doesn't need to really go into isolation, we can learn to be alone with ourselves reading a book, taking some coffee, listening to music, a kind of meditation that puts the mind and the body at ease.

Most importantly, and this I fully agree with the author, to be in solitude, it should be freely chosen and not forced on you to be beneficial. After going through solitude, the author began to appreciate more her family, loved more. Secondly, you must have full knowledge and understanding of yourself. So while the author engaged into full solitude, I on the other hand, believe in taking things into moderation. I love to be in touch with my family and some close friends of mine. But even so, I have this deep feeling that we are born to be alone and we will leave this world alone.

Til next time!

Friday, November 13, 2015

I've got the bug

My dear readers, I apologized for being away for sometime. I got caught up with some kind of flu and I am still having this bad cough that just seem to linger for awhile. I'm pretty much fine now, except for this cough which is a total turn-off I guess. Leaves me barking like a dog at night, which I find it hard to sleep. I only see one good thing about it, I find a way to keep the burglars off my place.

Having a cough is so irritating to say the least. I feel like swallowing my whole arm and reach down inside my throat just to scratch that itchy sensation that just won't go away. When it strikes, it's like having that electric drill inside my body and that everything I touched vibrates with it. I can't keep my fingers steady on the keyboard and I lost track of my regular weekly exercises. 

I went to see a doctor and she prescribed me the usual stuff, you know, those round lozenges wrapped like medicines in a foil, a cough syrup with no label, probably containing special formula, mixed in this cylindrical white container, and some extra anti-inflammatory meds for my possibly swelling throat due to coughing. 

Feeling like the real chosen one coming out of the doctor's clinic, I walk with a little pride of the stuff that I got from her. Walking like a boss, as if telling everyone "Hey, look!? see this small plastic bag? it has cough syrup and lozenges in it different from the ones you got from the ordinary over the counter meds. It has special powers specifically made for me. This will take away my cough and flu in no time. So bleed with envy" Two weeks have passed and I am still coughing. Went over the counter and bought the old trusted brand.

Hopefully, I'll feel better by next week. I have an upcoming and interesting topic to share with you guys. I wish you will all find it something amusing and worth reading. Who knows, you'll be learning something new as well. So stay put and keep safe everyone OK? Don't let the flu bug get near you :)

Till next time!