Friday, November 13, 2015

I've got the bug

My dear readers, I apologized for being away for sometime. I got caught up with some kind of flu and I am still having this bad cough that just seem to linger for awhile. I'm pretty much fine now, except for this cough which is a total turn-off I guess. Leaves me barking like a dog at night, which I find it hard to sleep. I only see one good thing about it, I find a way to keep the burglars off my place.

Having a cough is so irritating to say the least. I feel like swallowing my whole arm and reach down inside my throat just to scratch that itchy sensation that just won't go away. When it strikes, it's like having that electric drill inside my body and that everything I touched vibrates with it. I can't keep my fingers steady on the keyboard and I lost track of my regular weekly exercises. 

I went to see a doctor and she prescribed me the usual stuff, you know, those round lozenges wrapped like medicines in a foil, a cough syrup with no label, probably containing special formula, mixed in this cylindrical white container, and some extra anti-inflammatory meds for my possibly swelling throat due to coughing. 

Feeling like the real chosen one coming out of the doctor's clinic, I walk with a little pride of the stuff that I got from her. Walking like a boss, as if telling everyone "Hey, look!? see this small plastic bag? it has cough syrup and lozenges in it different from the ones you got from the ordinary over the counter meds. It has special powers specifically made for me. This will take away my cough and flu in no time. So bleed with envy" Two weeks have passed and I am still coughing. Went over the counter and bought the old trusted brand.

Hopefully, I'll feel better by next week. I have an upcoming and interesting topic to share with you guys. I wish you will all find it something amusing and worth reading. Who knows, you'll be learning something new as well. So stay put and keep safe everyone OK? Don't let the flu bug get near you :)

Till next time!

1 comment:

  1. Just so you :) you've always been the person i knew from the past.. Take care k! hope we cud get in touch again
